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Vibe of the Forest


We are excited to introduce some new vibes

to you this year, straight from the roots of nature. 

The whole reason for living more sustainably is to cherish

this beautiful planet we walk on, and make sure we hand down a liveable world to those who will inherit it from us. 


It's no secret that most of us are living lives, completely disconnected from the Earth. Technological advancement and city life has brought us many beautiful developments, and it has also disrupted our innate oneness with nature. Which is a shame, really, because she has a lot to tell us about how to solve our current challenges!


Luckily for us, the nature lovers from Forest Academy know all about tuning into nature and speaking with its abundant creatures. They will not only share this natural wisdom with you, they might just introduce you into the art of communicating with nature as well! 


It all depends on how open and curious you are to explore

beyond what you have learned from society so far.

Are you ready to dive into the language

of the forest?



Forest Academy-Tour


Discover all the ins and outs of the importance of the forests via special routes on the forest paths!



* Dialogue with nature

* Nature as a medicine

* Food forests




* Importance of forests worldwide

* Concrete solutions

Forest - gathering


Platform & interaction i.a.w. initiatives that provide solutions to conserve and protect forests

Forest Art

World of trees


our role in it


Huib Sneep

Huib Sneep, international tree expert and developer, will share his knowledge and curiosity about trees in this lecture. Which factors determine whether a forest is created somewhere, what preserves the forest and what role do humans, mammals and energy play in this?

Let yourself be surprised!

Daan Bleichrodt, author of " Tiny forest, small forest, big adventure" talks about the Tiny Forest project.

Tiny Forest has been around for five years and its forests are the size of a tennis court that pop up everywhere in the Netherlands with an astonishing amount of life.

This project by IVN Nature Education Netherlands introduces children to a forest, lets them root in the earth, discover and play.

Do you want to know more about Tiny Forest?

Come and get inspired!

Tiny Forest

small forest great adventure


Daan Bleichrodt (IVN)


Plant a food forest

(with guided tour)


Monique Wijn & Bouwie Greenman.

You can eat delicious things from nature. With a good design in mind, we can create edible landscapes that can provide the new generations with an abundant and diverse food production system throughout the year. Food forests are the way to transform from a less healthy monoculture to a sustainable and caring future.

Dead wood is alive


Lonneke Klein-Aarts


Who does not know the beauty of dead wood in the forest.

Is it just beautiful, or does dead wood have a very important function in the forest?

Take a closer look! What is all teeming and alive?

Lonneke takes you into the special world of branches, stumps, dead trees in the forest.


Lonneke Klin Aarts is an ecological advisor at Hoek and specializes in the relationship between everything that lives (and does not live).

Arbortecture or tree-shaping is all about guiding and merging living trees into multifunctional objects. .

The roots form the foundation of the structure and the trees form the structure. Our vision with he Living Village is to grow living houses. Food forest specialist Bouwie Greenman presents you the vision behind The Living Village.

Growing your house

out of trees


Bouwie Greenman.

The Bosschool

for children


Louise van Luik


Louise van Luik organizes the Forest School on Vibe of the Earth for children


"Being outside all day: strolling, discovering, playing, singing, dreaming, making food, creating, fantasizing, working together, making music, sharing ... and above all just being."


Come to the Bosschooltje!

'With everything we do, we make the earth a bit more beautiful this day!


V Kyra Kuitert, author of the book Pleasant Places and advisor on numerous projects about, among other things, a green public space, takes us along in the importance and opportunities for greening the city.

How important are trees to our well-being, especially in the urban environment of concrete, asphalt, steel and glass ... Especially in these times of climate change, but also the many working from home nowadays.

Kyra is fascinated again and again by the relationship between man and his environment. Both within her position as senior advisor at the DSP group and within her own Bureau K2, Kyra researched the spatial conditions for a safe, social, attractive and exercise-friendly public space.

Greening the city


Kyra Kuitert

Toxic deodorants, carcinogenic detergents, pathogenic creams ... Get rid of all those artificial substances in your household!


Together with Rascha Wisse, you will go into the forest and learn about the power of plants and their edible leaves, flowers and very useful essential oils.



  1. Workshop / tour on edible plants and essential oils

  2. by

  3. Racha Wisse i sse.

The Council of All Beings


Pepijn Verbrugge

In this ceremony you will step out of your human identity and speak from another life form. You will work with a simple structure of spontaneous expression that focuses on a higher awareness of our interdependence with the earth, in which we focus on a stronger commitment to defend it. During this ritual you give voice to the suffering in the world and you will experiencing the beauty and power with which all life is connected.

Experience the healing powers of nature! In her workshop Rymke processes plant medicines, flowers, water, fire, wind and earth.

De natuur als medicijn
Rymke Boonstra


Ceremonie voor het behoud van de longen van onze planeet, de staande wezens.

Ceremonie voor de bomen en de bossen.

Begeleid door Rymke Boonstra. medehoedster van de bomen op het Ecodorp.


zondag 13.15 - 14.15

Ceremonie voor de bomen
Rymke Boonstra
Expositie Veren
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