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Vibe Camping Sites


Camping Ecovillage Bergen

Groeneweg 14

bookable via the ticket link


Amara Hoeve

Oosterdijk 3 Bergen

06 48606075


Jonker Farm

072 5895227

Enters 18 Bergen


Sea house

Verspijckweg 5 Bergen aan zee

088 0990988

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Opening hours Vibe of the Earth

Saturday 12:00 - 22:00

Sunday 12 noon - 10 pm

. Especially come by bicycle, on foot, by bus, train, suppend, sustainable.

Is there really no other way?


Pay attention!

During Vibe of the Earth, the Groeneweg between Ecodorp and Bergerweg is one-way traffic: you drive via the Nesdijk to the Ecodorp at Groeneweg 14. When you leave you can take the Groeneweg towards Bergerweg and Alkmaar.



You cannot park on the Eco Village itself, but you can park on the verge of the Groeneweg between the football fields and the Eco Village. Traffic controllers show you where to park your car.


Public transport

Because it is best to walk far from the bus stop in Bergen-centrum with (or without) tents sleeping bags, etc. , a horse tram travels from the center to the Ecodorp on Saturday at noon. 24 people can participate.

Reserve your spot in time for 5 euros



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